Normally I'd never say something like this but the answer to your question is a resounding- Yes.
Her name was Peggy (fatty) McMonogle and his name was Jerry. Jerry (allegedly) told her everything that went on behind closed doors and she'd (allegedly)drop hints to let people know that she knew things about them, then she'd waddle away with a smirk across that buck-toothed face of hers, looking quite pleased with herself.
After passing judgment on scores of congregation members for years, Jerry (allegedly) ended up cheating on Ol' Fatty (don't blame him) with some chain smoking hag of a woman from his job and was removed as an Elder. They split up and she had to go out to work for the first time in her live in her 50's and got a good dose of reality out in the real world. Last I heard, her ignorant clod of a husband was still stuck hanging drywall well into his 50's despite his back and knee troubles. (maybe there is a god, after all )
Do I sound bitter?? That's good, because I am.
In the end, Fatty M. and Jerry got what they deserved, as far as I'm concerned...they caused a lot of damage. The only thing good that came of it was that their conduct woke my family up with out me having to say a word.
( allegedly sometimes means it happened, but you didn't hear it from me)